Friday, September 2, 2011

Back in the saddle again ...

Another milestone.  I worked a full week this week! 

Granted, I'm not putting in the 60 - 70 hour weeks that I was regularly clocking before I found out that I was sick (do you believe what it took to get me to slow down?!)  Working full-time for a successful high tech company ( ) requires a level of energy and stamina that I hope to eventually return to ... but I hope NEVER to revisit the kind of work stress that I was experiencing prior to my diagnosis. 

My company and colleagues have been supportive beyond belief ... I am so very fortunate to receive this kind of understanding and support.  Which is all the more reason that I want to get in as much work as I can when I'm feeling able.  The only rather frightening aspect of this is the "chemo brain" phenomenon.  It is a REAL physiological thing and it does make what I do extra challenging. 

What I do more than anything else is WRITE.  And while it's relatively easy to jabber on in a stream-of-consciousness mode for this blog ... it's quite another thing to try to muster up the brain power and focus to write a coherent press release or business case study.  Needless-to-say I have to double and triple check everything that I do -- and I've caught a few major ummmmm ... shall we say boo-boos ... ranging from grammatical inconsistencies to downright nonsensical gibberish.  It's more than a bit disconcerting. 

However ... the bottom line is that I am able to sit up at my desk (I have the great fortune to be able to work out of my home office) for more than 15 minutes  - even more than an hour - at a time and almost feel like a productive, contributing member of the human race.  Hallelujah!


Julie Daley said...

Dear Benita,
I love your blog and that you're blogging, sharing your journey with us. So glad to hear you have some energy to write and work.
Sending you love,

Ria Baeck said...

I just came here, only to read two blog postings. Thanks for sharing! Know that writing your blog is more than enough production/contribution!!! Don't fall into the trap of believing that you need to work hard before you deserve life. That's nonsense. Life is there to be lived, not to be worked.
I guess...

cellohead said...
